

according to dictionary.com the definition of a roommate is a person who is assigned to share or shares a room or apartment with another or others. now to some this may seem to be, a not so flattering title. but as for the residents in our little bungalow, the title of roommate is a very highly recognized position. you see, the four of us pictured above (two of us now being brunettes)have grown to become quite the best of friends. as a roommate you see the best, the worst, the good, the bad and the ugly. one of the four of us has the left the little bungalow and is embarking on a new and exciting journey. as the three remaining stooges sat in the car after the final goodbyes, the reality of the situation had finally suck in. so of course more than a few tears were shed. the bittersweet tears of excitement for the four of us and the different things we will be doing these upcoming months, but also for the piece of the puzzle that is now missing. K-----i as well as the rest of the bungalow are extremely proud - excited - happy for you and the decision you have made. thank you for the influence you have had on me and the future decisions i have made. you will be a fabulous and beautiful missionary. good luck my dear - keep us all posted and i will only be six months behind ya. much love to you goose. -maverick D-----thanks for all the laughs - slightly degrading and crude comments to make me feel somewhat funny - the best homemade pizza ever made (even if you "accidently" spilled the seasoning to make my tongue burn) - your love of men - you know exactly what i am talking about. :) and for making my wardrobe look so fabulous. im positive those clothes are so happy to be worn again. blondie #1 thank you for being you. love - the fake brunnette. S-----to the other S in the family. you my dearest are going to thrive in alaska. i can feel it. the influence you are going to have on the people and the amazing things you are going to experience are truely going to change your life forever. thank you so much for all the serious gospel and life talks we shared. you will never know the positive impact and lasting impression they have given me. thank you for showing me the true beauty of hockey. the sport is absolutely amazing. ;) be strong rae----remember there are good things to come. love jo ----to the women of the bungalow-----the last year has been one to remember------